Recently came across this beautiful project execution done at Kenya through some website. The promo song had its effects and made me recall its first line for a couple of days. A project carried out by Kickstart an NGO and IDEO. Done for the Kenyans.
After going through this just hit my head. For that moment it awakened my social responsibility as a designer. I assume IDEO has done it for free, regardless of the reasons behind it. There are more things to do as designer than trying to do a make up. The product named as 'Moneymaker" may seem highly mechanical and not so appealing. But it has served its purpose when it comes to addressing the real need. Statistics say that, coz this product alone has contributed to 0.62% of the GDP of Kenya (as per some web page). The product didn't seemed like IDEO work at first look. But again considering the user group, who may care the least about how it looks, may be they have done it rite. For more info click HERE or at I guess even the video composition is done at IDEO, not sure. Just assuming that they give complete solution for a project, including promos and after sales feedback. It may have used this project to improve its brand image and showcase its Corporate Social Responsibility...but the result is appreciable. And yeah 'Usisubiri Mvua' can be taken in many ways. Ok let me stop here. I'm getting more vocal these days, time to sleep 1.00 AM
Reading their blogs, running through lines liking the way, they reflect their thoughts. Playing the words, dug out from thesaurus wondering, how do they do that!
Convincing myself I too can do this. One day, discussing lyrics, and inking my thoughts